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Old 02-22-2018, 05:37 AM
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I've played around in EQ8 for borders. Looks like I'm going to remove a row and have 4x5 blocks for the center, otherwise it gets too long. So I'll have a row I can use for a table runner (or put on the back).

I want to put in borders of the stripe to frame both sides of the 9 patch, but I'd need to get more. At least I bought it local, so I'll send DH up there today (he's going that way for groceries) and see if they still have any. If not, I'll skip that and just go with the 9patch and black. Of course, if I take the stripe out then I'll have to do more planning to get the inner border widths figured out so the work with the 9 patch. I love using EQ8 for figuring out stuff like that.
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