Thread: FMQ Fears
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Old 04-22-2018, 12:33 PM
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This is the first quilt that I have FMQed that I am really enjoying FMQ. I have been so intimidated by the quilting that my fears have kept me from enjoying the process. The practice piece (large) was the key for me. It takes quite a while to program your head into knowing what you want to do. This large piece really helped me. As I began marking my pattern, it was not long into it that I realized that I would have to "let go of wanting it just so" and just putting down the pieces where they fit with a bit of a goal in mind. This time I am enjoying FMQ (after all these years). Once the whole quilt is done, no one, I mean no one but the quilt police will know that I "fudged" it. Fortunately, I do not have any quilt police in my life. I have stayed away from the borders as I want to do some inspirational writing around the quilt, i.e, You are stronger than you think, smarter than you know and loved by more people than you can imagine. I will have to practice the FMQ over the writing as there is no going back once you start. Just will take my time and do my best.
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