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Old 07-10-2018, 03:42 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Va.
Posts: 5,753

Darcyshannon-Enjoy your Birthday exemption fabric!

Oksewglad- Congrats on finishing your WIP/UFO! I think if it feels like a UFO to You then it’s a UFO. For me if I’m making slow but steady progress on something- Say taking it out and working on it every month or two I think of those as a WIP. It becomes a UFO when it’s either actually packed away in the UFO storage box, or is so covered by current projects on my design wall that it can’t be seen. In either case, not only is no progress being made on it, but I’m not even trying to solve whatever design/construction issue caused my to stop working on it in the first place. Most of my UFOs have gone for at least One year without any progress, but I’ve got two pieces that at 7 months with no progress I’m beginning to think of as UFOs.

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