Old 09-02-2018, 01:59 PM
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Everyone's projects are awesome!!!

Me - I'm back in! Yea, since none of the wedding party wanted to go to the cabin and the rains were going to stay around thru Tuesday we decided to come back yesterday. This morning we were able to meet up with a friend form Iowa that we haven't seen for a few years and her daughter. Great visit for 4 hours but she needed to get on the road.

I have been cleaning the sewing room to find Noah's waist band and finally found it, down side should have looked in both of the Kilt bins not just one, would have saved 90 minutes. On the up side sewing room is now very clean and I can get back to piecing this afternoon. I sandwiched the table runner last night and may try to do some FM tonight. A friend of DH's showed up so he is out of my hair and not asking what's you doing? every 20 minutes. I think I'm on a good roll.

Hope everyone's stitching is straight and the ripper stays in the drawer.
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