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Old 09-16-2018, 12:31 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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Thank you all so much for your helpful input, but most of all for your emotional support. I got myself "wrapped around the axle" unnecessarily about not having finished quilts to take to the shower. Honestly I just wanted the "oohs" and "aahs"--selfish, right?

What I ended up taking were the two big registry gifts I had promised we'd buy as grandparents, plus two little lamb banks (one with a pink ribbon and one blue around the neck), each with a quarter inside, and a ceramic silhouette wall hanging (boy and girl praying on their knees). That wall hanging is something I found among my mom's things before we knew the twins were boy and girl. It was like "a sign", eh? Oh, that wall decor had hung in my nursery when I was a baby.

I also made a big card and glued one of the extra pinwheels I made to the front. Then explained that I will give the two quilts when the twins are born.

So, I gave something they needed, a piece of nostalgia, something for the kids to enjoy (the banks), something handmade (the card), and a promise of quilts to come. All in all, I was happy and so was my DIL. Thanks again for the suggestions. You are a creative bunch.

Last edited by zozee; 09-16-2018 at 12:35 PM.
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