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Old 09-21-2018, 08:02 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2012
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Reminder - when planning a room on paper, it will look a look a lot bigger than it will actually be! My suggestion is to go into an 'empty' space (like a garage) using tape or chalk mark or flat pieces of cardboard, mark out the bigger pieces you will need (desks, cutting table, ironing space). Now, you will see the real size of the area. I would use the wall that can later be used for a small longarm as your current cabinet wall. Whenever you get a longarm, cabinets can be changed and moved, but, currently it will give you easy access to your stuff. Also, the area underneath a cutting table is a great storage area. Think about the side of the table to hang rulers and other large flat items. A couple roller drawers or shelf units are great under there. And pegboard or shoe racks on the back of doors keep items close at hand but organized. Please post pics when it is done - and does your terrific husband have single brothers??? He sounds like a gem!!!
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