Thread: Organizing
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Old 10-13-2018, 05:06 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
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Well, I could tell you how I organize that little stuff, or I could say how I wish I could keep it so those things never go AWOL !

I try (key word, try) to keep multiples of those things in various places where I know I use them. At my sewing desk, I have a drawer. I also have a pegboard above it. I also have a couple of eyeglass cases that I like to fill with a small bobbin of thread, hand needle, some clips, little scissors, a thimble, a piece of batt to hold my needle. Those cases should (ahem) stay in the drawer of the end table where I am most likely to sit and hand sew while watching TV.

But I have spent probably 2 years of my life searching for little stuff that has a home but often decides to travel without a stamped passport, so to speak.
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