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Old 04-06-2019, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Three Dog Night View Post
My journey started with Folgers Instant and then I got a coffee maker and started brewing coffee (Folgers). No more instant coffee for me. Then someone suggested my husband we should try Costco brand of ground coffee and Folgers was gone. The next evolution was to buying the roasted beans and grinding myself, no more buying ground coffee. Then my manager told me about roasting your own coffee and now I buy green coffee beans online and roast my own at home, I usually roast enough for a week at a time with my small roaster. One plus to this was that the acid reflux my husband suffered was gone. I love going to my favorite website for beans and reading about the different beans and flavors that the beans will produce and you can actually taste the difference. Roasting allows me to get the roast that I want whether it be light, medium or full roast. I roast outside because you are roasting and there is smoke from the process; in the winter I usually buy Starbucks whole beans because it the temperature outside (cold) makes it hard to get a good consistent roast. Guess I am a picky coffee junkie, can't believe that I ever drank instant.
Ah, I want to come by and have a cup of your coffee!
I'm a lifelong coffee drinker and run the gamut from instant, percolator, campfire and have landed on brewed. Sadly, I've given up caffeine but still love my morning coffee except it's now decaf. We buy our beans from Kicking Horse and grind daily for fresh taste. We also use filtered water and the two combine for great taste. Please don't add anything to my coffee, especially nothing sweet. If someone is serving me coffee that is questionable, I will add cream to make it drinkable. There is no Starbucks nearby, but if I'm in the vicinity I like a Starbucks latte if they make it decaf with Lactaid milk.
I have a Keurig on my desk at work and use it to brew hot water for afternoon herbal tea.
It was hard to give up caffeine but now I feel free and can function nicely without that morning fix.
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