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Old 05-08-2019, 06:46 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2012
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I also like the minimalist approach to quilting. I do appreciate the fantastic work done by some quilters, but I prefer to simply have it be a small part of the project. I usually decide on how much by how the quilt will be used. Example, a child's quilt get a bit of extra stitching because I want it to be dragged everywhere and washed a whole lot - well, well used. A gift for a more mature person might have less stitching, but perhaps a little bit fancier patterns. Only thing that is pretty standard for me is that I never use invisible thread on a child's quilt. If it snags and pulls out, it will not break and it is too easy for them to get a tiny toe or finger caught in it. And, with a baby quilt, I very often do a self-binding because I know how easy it is for them to gnaw binding off. I do this binding at about 1 1/2" and use a decorative stitch so it really looks like a blanket binding.
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