Thread: Downsizing
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Old 05-22-2019, 07:20 PM
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 21

Originally Posted by cindynvb
I haven't watched the show. I did read her books but felt she was a little too extreme. I love my books and she made me feel guilty for keeping them. I'm interested in the clothes folding, tried it when I had the book but wasn't sucessful. Maybe I should watch the show.
I watched one or two of the shows and felt inspired....but then again, the thought of trying to donate sewing machines (vintage) and older fabrics, reminded me how our local Goodwill and other charity places, would not accept a lot of things from my parents' estate (I had to clean out their home, all by myself, lame siblings!).

The charities seem to want perfect items, no upholstered furniture, and nothing with older style non-grounded plugs.
And forget throwing them in the trash---when I threw away an old ironing board, our trash pickup service charged us $10 for the metal ironing board (to dispose of it!!!).
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