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Old 02-24-2010, 08:07 AM
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Oh my, what an ugly can of worms I've opened here! It makes me sad to know I have so many "sisters" under the skin here.
I have suffered from this "DD"{damn disease) most of my adult life. It flares and subsides at the most inconvenient times.
I retired on disability several years ago. I loved my work as a nurse. I have always been very much a people person. But I got to the point where the fibro-fog made me afraid of making a serious mistake. The memory problems some days were so bad I would hear a loud buzzing and my head would feel tight...I quit.....and became the opposite. Now I prefer to stay home most of the time. I go through spells where I hardly even leave the house!! Of coarse after I returned home from caring for my daughter with terminal cancer I went downhill for a while.
Bless my wonderful husband....he encouraged me so much to get back into quilting. He is my rock. I don't always like what he does, but I know things could be so much better for us if I didn't have this DD.He is always there to praise and encourage me...I am very lucky there.
Well I didn't start out to write my life story, just to say I feel a special closeness to you all.
Do any of you remember a news item a few months ago about the xm retro virus? virus? It has been linked to fibromyalgia and related disorders.Go to the list on the left and click on xmrv.
I know it's a retro virus that gets into the dna stands somehow and hides there as it replicates....Doesn't that sound just too cozy? Lucky us.. :?
We need to see if we can keep this as a subject on the index so we can help each other...Maybe misery does love company. I know I look forward to everyone's pictures and comments each day. I have really enjoyed quilting again and sharing it with all of you!!
Now back to the reality of this flareup that is trying to wrestle me down

:-( Ditter
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