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Old 06-08-2019, 08:50 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2019
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 110
Default Perfectionist vs. Good Enoughist

As some of you might have guessed, I’m working on those darn puppies and, although I’ve come a long way, parts are still giving me fits but I’m getting through it. I mentioned something to my daughter and she lovingly said “Well, if you weren’t such a perfectionist…” Huh? Whaaat??? Then she pointed out that every meal I make is perfect (I don’t see it), every small appliance on my counter is perfectly aligned. Every candle has a perfectly trimmed ¼” wick, blah, blah, blah. I don’t set out to do that, it just happens.

So I was wondering, when it comes to quilting, how many of you are perfectionists and how many of you are good-enoughists?
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