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Old 09-04-2019, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by toogie View Post
They both are exceptionally pretty! I have questions. Is the lone star border a print or is it the quilting showing on blue or gray ? I am on an IPhone so it hard to tell. The small strip of gold around the star really makes it pop, even as big as it is, defines it I guess I should say. I've not made a lone star but would love to. Is there one pattern easier than others?

The cross is another I'd like to try one day. I like the fabric you used on the cross itself, or is the design on it stitching? I like how you stitched the 'Rays' from the cross too.
I get bored too with some of the patterns we have for our QOV. I like the freedom I have to do what I want, esp around the panels. Some of the group don't like to do quilts with the panels so they have passed a few to me.
I say you did very well on both and I suppose I need to look, at any albums you have here, to see more of the artist in you.
The border around the lone star is left over fabric from the star fabrics. The pattern I used was a free one... just google 'jellied lone star pattern' and it was fairly easy but took some concentration for me..
The cross is really just a version of log cabin quilt blocks. the two top blocks are square and the two lower ones are rectangles then the dark fabric was used to sash them together. it was also a free pattern.
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