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Old 11-30-2019, 11:16 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Posts: 983

I use Elmer's School Glue to baste always. I dilute it about three parts glue to two parts water, and shake it like crazy to blend. I move the bottle very quickly over the quilt to keep the lines thin. I'm much less likely to get blobs of glue that way. And the less glue you use, the easier it washes out. I bought a gallon of Elmer's at an office supply store for about $13, and poured it into empty 4 oz. bottles and diluted it.

The only issue I ever had was when using a dimpled minky backing from JoAnn's. The glue would not stick to that particular brand of minky, and I had to use the 505 spray. I use only Shannon Cuddle now, and Elmer's works perfectly.
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