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Old 01-13-2020, 12:46 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Medina NY/Naples, FL
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Well, if someone were to ask me if I wanted to make this quilt and I knew how many flying geese were in it I would say no thank you. However, I needed to make 12 more because I miscounted and I did them the 4 at a time method and it was a breeze, so there you go. I have 80% done on clue 8, just need to do some squaring up. So good to see some familiar names that are doing this, and also some new people who are adding so much to the conversation. I really have been admiring everyone and the pictures. We are going to have some awesome quilts! I loved doing the Allietare quilt by Bonnie, how it looked and the colors, it was my first mystery quilt with her so the next time I decided I would do two of each clue and when I finished I would have two quilts. Well it was the En Provence, and when the reveal happened I really didnt care for it. I did finish one quilt and left all the other units for the other one undone. Yes, they are still in sets in a bin waiting for me to sew them together. I just cant seem to get myself to do it. I have this saying anymore of "if I dont love it I am not doing it" when it comes to my quilting, knitting and embroidery. So, the lesson for me that I learned is not to do anything like that again.
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