Thread: My husband
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Old 02-28-2010, 07:31 AM
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Location: San Antonio, TX
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Barbara...I'm so sorry you had to go through this stress and emergency with your hubby. I'm one of those that believes with lots of "manure" grows "Beautiful Roses", so quitting smoking and getting this 2nd chance at living is the blessing ya'll will receive.

Almost 3 years ago, I was facing another major abdominal surgery (my 5th)and they were doing several things at one time; finishing up a hysterectomy, fixing a hernia, removing adhesions, pulling up the bladder, and removing a 7" tumor (which everyone thought was cancerous, except me). I decided that I was going to quit smoking this time after 45 years of being addicted to those horrible nasty white sticks.

I prepared for the big event; crunchy snacks, candy, sugar-free gum, joined an on-line group called QUIT NOW, got into a breathing support group from my Dr., and put post-it notes all over the house. The Post-It notes were put in obvious places where I could see them..mirrors, cupboards, tv, walls, and on them I wrote different things; YOU CAN DO THIS - GO FOR A WALK - CALL YOUR SISTERS - CHEW GUM - TAKE 5 DEEP BREATHS - PRAY - DO NOT LET THEM WIN - HATE THE WHITE STICKS - DRINK LOTS OF O.J. and on and on.

It worked! and I had tried to quit 100's of times and always failed and beat myself up each time. This time I was determined not to lose, and realized that I wanted to live for my kids/grandkids/sisters and to do some other things with my money spent on the white sticks. I rewarded myself every week, then every month, and now once a year... with a little new shoes, a quilt magazine, new fabric, new lipstick...etc. It was fun.

So, hang in each other, talk about it, and start walking a little bit everyday. I now go to a gym 3 times a week, have more energy and can walk up a flight of stairs without gasping, etc. The exercise really helps and you have to start slow & small, but increase the length of your walks about every week or two weeks......along with lots of fruits & veggies. I am now one of those people who eats 6-8 colorful servings of fruit & veggies each day, and am currently keeping a food journal where I write down EVERYTHING that goes in my "food hole" I call it..and take several vitamen/mineral food supplements prescribed by my Dr.

Sorry..this is so long, and hope I haven't bored ya'll to death, but wanted to share a "successful" story with you for encouragement. If you want to have a "phone buddy" to talk to about this, am happy to do that. Just send me an email and we can exchange phone numbers.

There's no "good luck" coming from me.....instead... "YOU can do this".

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