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Old 03-22-2020, 12:16 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
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I'd be interested too, I'm relearning how to knit figuring if I start now I can do some pretty spiffy things when my eyes give up on quilting.

I was able to teach myself knitting through books and red heart yarn pamphlets many years ago good enough to do basic baby hats and simple sweaters/designs, but I've just never been able to get into the hang of crochet but I'd love to learn to do basic granny blocks.

I did a search on "knitting while blind" and they recommend the basic low end acrylic yarn for beginners as it is fairly easy and more importantly consistent. So I went to the thrift store and have brought home several skeins/partial skeins. Right now all I'm doing is knitting. Or maybe purling. I don't remember but I know there is a difference and I think it involves holding needles up or down, or bringing the thread from the front or the back... Anyway, I'm doing the same stitch over and over and eventually I'll have a dog blanket. I'm just impressed as heck that I've done this without my contacts in but sometimes maybe it's good to not see very well....

I bought a little DVD kit with yarn and everything you need to "start knitting now!" or something like that but so far haven't watched it.

In my area you can start going to the Senior Center pretty young (52ish I think?? -- you can go younger, you just got to pay admission), they have a Monday hand craft time period. It's been suspended during this time of virus but I've been thinking of heading down there when it resumes, just to hang out and get some good tips and tricks.
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