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Old 01-08-2021, 12:39 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Mendocino Coast, CA
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Default New Fermenting Crocks!

I kept hinting that I wanted some fermenting crocks for Christmas. I even gave each of the kids some miso and explained that there would be more forthcoming, if only I had some functional, fermenting crocks to make it in. I told them how I had to make do with glass jars and zippy bags filled with water to hold the miso down and how it didn't work very well. I went on and on, but, I didn't get any crocks for Christmas. They liked the miso though.

So, Last week, I bought my own! Here is what I got:
I got 1, 2L, and 2, 5L crocks.

They just arrived and wow...they're so beautiful! These crocks are so lovely and I would have no problem leaving them on my kitchen counter, (if only I had a big counter.) Very well made and dare I say, chic.

Now, it's off to make some miso and sauerkraut. I have some great recipes for making miso out of soy beans, but also out of adzuki beans, garbanzo beans and even black beans. I know that miso is not everyone's interest,but if anyone is interested in making miso, just post here, or PM me. I'm glad to share what I far.
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