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Old 04-23-2021, 08:43 AM
gardengirl1331's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 62

Originally Posted by platyhiker View Post
It just occurred to me that you could set up an auto-shut off for your iron by using a Lamp and Appliance Timer. You plug the timer into the outlet, and then plug your iron into the timer. You can set up the timer to switch into off mode at the time interval you want. Now, this "solution" does add some cost, in that now you have to pay for a timer, but the timer is also useful for turning lights on and off, which I find very useful when we go away on a vacation, as I like to have the house look lived in so that it does not look an inviting target to thieves.

The auto-shut-off for me is more about it shutting off for a bit while I'm sewing, if something distracts me (have to use the bathroom or eat or make a cup of tea of something) and it takes say 20-30mins to get back the ironing part I don't want to waste the electric or wear out the iron too much. It's less about leaving it on on accident when I'm all done, as I normally iron in the middle of the living room, which it has to be moved to do anything in that room when I'm done.
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