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Old 03-05-2010, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Charity Quilter
Yourstrulyquilts what are you doing for your yeast overgrowth? I too have Candida albicans. It has consumed my body. I avoid sugar, don't eat too much fruit (natural sugar) eat lots of veggies, stay away from dairy products, eat chicken turkey and fish and almonds. Don't drink soda-pop, coffee etc. Lot's of water. I am trying to get my acidic state to normal and we've been drinking the Kangen Water which is high in alkaline. The Kangen Water is called a disease fighter for life. I am willing to try anything healthy to help stop the pain. I seriously belief that most people have Candida and don't even realize it. Toe nail fungus? Sinus infections? Female yeast infections? The list goes on.......

The problem with seeing a medical doctor is that they don't have a clue what we are talking about. They are not trained. Although today there are some 'open minded' physicians that are more aware and are trying to help. YEAH!
I go to my dr and tell him I need Diflucan for yeast overgrowth. And he laughs at me!!
You sound like you are doing a lot. Lemon juice will help balance your Ph and that's what you want. Not too alkaline, not too acidic. Taking liquid probiotics will also renew organisms that will kill the yeast. Most yeast starts from a leaky gut, so enzymes help that. So many people suffer for such a long time and no one thing will help us all. I have spent literally thousands of dollars on drs and supplements, and these are the things I think help most. If you aren't taking anything for pain ask your dr for a trial of tramadol. It helps me a lot and it is in generic form, so it is a lot less expensive that it used to be. So sorry. :-(
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