Thread: Ut oh......
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Old 04-08-2022, 12:26 PM
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Default Ut oh......

My fiancé has been........afflicted.

Friend of his called to say that he had something my fiancé might be interested in. Fiancé said okay, they left and were gone all night.

He made it back about an hour ago.

I don't just have the 15-87 anymore. Oh no.

He came back with not just one, or two but three antique Singers, two cabinets, one a Singer treadle, the other one I'm not sure about and a 403A.

Supposedly, word got out that he had bought the 15-87 and I was going to work on it, next thing we know, the village started producing Singers and that's why the friend contacted my fiancé. Every one of the machines with the exception of one of the antiques was just given to him, they didn't want money for them, just wanted rid of them. The one he did pay for...$20.

The three antiques he brought in today are in worse shape than mine, all have their decals exposed, you can just rub on them and wipe them off the machine. Heavy rust on one, the other isn't so bad, but on its way. The third I haven't pulled out of the box and wrapping yet, I needed a break. Mechanisms on the two still move, but they are hard to move.

I'm just still in shock. He does this all the time, it shouldn't surprise me, but it does. I tell him I would like to see if we could find something, next thing I know, he's bringing home multiples. I'm almost afraid to tell him I'd eventually like a Featherweight.
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