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Old 04-29-2022, 07:16 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
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Originally Posted by Julienm1
Do you ever get the urge to start organizing and then 2 hours later you’re just looking around at a mess thinking like…what in the world have I done.
Yes!!! Happens a lot. Usually because I also try to rearrange my studio while in the middle of organizing... Sometimes that's just the stage you have to go through to get organized. The professional organizers often use a different room to stick stuff in while they're organizing one room. We had professionals come help organize DH's office/studio when it got so bad there were just a couple of paths through the junk on the floor that allowed him to get to his computer. They took everything out except for the big furniture. Sorted into piles of like with like and had him decide what to keep and what to get rid of- all before putting anything back into the room. Was very helpful, but would have been overwhelming to try doing this without the help. As it was, it took an entire day with 3 organizers and DH.

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