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Old 05-04-2022, 05:25 AM
Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 184
Default I Appreciate this Forum

Just want to say that I appreciate this forum as a safe place to just talk about quilts! I'm sure it's a combination of the mods keeping track of stuff and the members just wanting to talk about quilts and not bring in all the other stuff you find on so many quilting platforms like Reddit and FB. I just quit a FB quilting group after a long screed from a new mod who wrote what he would and would not tolerate on his page. I won't go into details. I'm just glad to have a place where I can post pictures and not have 100+ people attacking me because they think they see a swastika in one of the blocks if they stand on their heads and squint with their finger up their nose. I'm glad I can look at pictures of other's work and not have to see intimate body parts displayed and thousands giving "thumb's up." Yes, I'm old, but our world could use a lot more old fashioned decency and decorum.
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