Old 06-03-2022, 12:02 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: FL
Posts: 101

Gay's thumbnail is the block depicted in the pattern. Regarding the fabric panel, the motif itself measures5.5". The motif is surrounded by 4 rows of decorative dots, which, when added to the 5.5" motif, measure 6 3/8" or 6.375". My thought was to cut the center block at 6", and have it finish at 5.5" which would not crop any of the motif.
My first impression when i saw this pattern iwas it would be perfect to show the beautiful blocks in the panel. Now, I am so unsure of resizing this pattern, making accurate calculations, cuts, and accurate seams. A 24" block is quite large, and I would end up with a quilt of almost 90", too large for me to quilt on a domestic machine, and probably too expensive to have quilted.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a pattern or block that would not require so many complicated changes?? I would still love to use the panel. It really is lovely.
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