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Old 03-08-2010, 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by kat13
This is so true, on a "good" day I always do to much, mostly because I am so behind from all the bad days! But yes, then I suffer for it and can't if I could just figure out WHY I have the good days so I can have more of them!!!
for me, it has so much to do with diet. You would think, ok then, just don't eat those foods...that's what I thought too.
Then I get anemic, so the only thing I can do is "rotate", and I do that by how I am feeling.
If I am 'flaring", i don't eat the foods that affect me most, but when I feel better...guess what?
To keep from getting anemic I have to eat the "offenders"!:evil:
I do take vitamins and i eat yogurt.
It's a never ending cycle and I thank God there are ppl who understand. My allergist understands too, and I am so grateful.
Now, somebody find us a cure, lol! :-D
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