Thread: Binding Eaze
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Old 10-22-2022, 01:15 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Upstate SC
Posts: 682

I bought one during a shop hop last year and finally remembered to use it when I had to do binding for a king size quilt. Super impressed!!! After sewing the strips together, 12 WOF 2 1/4 inch wide, made a really really long strip. I set up the binding eaze and my iron, it took no time at all to run the strips through. I used my left hand to fold and align the edges before going through the slot and the right to gently pull/guide it out from under the iron. Perfectly aligned, sharp fold line, and ready to be sewn on the quilt. I wish I had timed it for a more accurate estimate but it seemed like no time at all before I was done. It does eliminate having to align, fold, pick up iron, press, put iron back down, repeat. I know my arthritic wrist appreciated it, and my bad knee as standing for any length of time is pretty rough. not affiliated with the company, just my own experience and opinion.
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