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Old 03-13-2024, 07:24 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
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Default Plan B for Pictures alert

Hi all. I haven't heard from Janet since her last post in here. Hopefully, she is somewhere on holiday and will get caught up with our pictures when she returns. In the meantime, let's initiate Plan B. Accummulate your pictures and be ready to send them to me in case something has happened to Janet.

If you saved them without a label try to add a label with what you added to the flimsy (ex. starter, log cabin, tidbit, etc.) but I am sure I can figure it out when I open the picture.

If you already have saved them with the label you used for Janet, that is great too -- don't change the name. Or any other obvious name to identify the shot, that works too assuming you saved the picture with a label.

Thank you!

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