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Old 03-12-2010, 05:41 AM
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Originally Posted by LucyInTheSky
Originally Posted by amma
I was thinking the other day how it USED to be that you could sew clothing and other items much cheaper than the same store bought items... I think that same train of thought is embedded into many people's brains.... They probably never go to any fabric store, so they are totally clueless what fabric, batting, patterns and notions cost.
First time I went into a LQS (it was my friend's mom, the shop had just opened), I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the price on the bolts. $8/yard?! Only a crazy person would pay that. Well, fast forward 6 months or so and I was addicted. So I agree that part is people just not understanding the cost. Especially if they've looked at WalMart or Joanns where it's a few dollars/yd. All in the reference point.
A couple years ago I took my mom to Joann's when she was shopping for fabric for a quilt she wanted me to make for a baby gift for her and she almost had a cardiac arrest right on the spot when she saw the price on the bolts of fabric. She said "are they nuts? The last time I bought cotton for a quilt I got beautiful fabric 3 yards for $1.00 and heavy weight flannel was 4 yards for $1.00!!" Must admit, she made quilts 60 years ago and the cost of living has gone ..Up...UP...UPPPP since she was making them but she didn't know that because she hadn't shopped for fabric for quilts in all those years. I sure wish they still had that 3 yards for $1.00 price! EEEEEKKKK, I'd have to move my DH OUT so I could get more fabric in! :lol:

I have people in my family who have quilts from me...I also have family members who DON'T and NEVER WILL because they are clueless. I could give one of them a beautiful quilt and a day later if they needed a picnic blanket or something to lay on to work on the car that quilt would be the ground cover. Nope, won't spend time on quilts for them.
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