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Old 03-14-2010, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by lots2do
Originally Posted by raptureready
I don't know if I'm hard-hearted or hard-headed, probably a lot of both, but the older I get the harder people have to work to hurt my feelings. Even if by some chance they manage to, I never carry it around with me for long. I quit trying to figure out what makes hurtful people tick I just try to remember and be thankful that I don't have to walk in their shoes. Can you imagine the fear, the constant second guessing every move, and the feelings of inferiority that they have to live with every waking moment? Sad, sad, sad. Maybe I just really like me. Yeah, I'm sure I do. Talent, brains, beauty, what's not to like? Okay, the beauty part was a pretty big stretch of the imagination, alright, it was more like pure fiction but I'm comfortable with me and that's what counts.
Amen, sister! Well said. I have a coworker who has pushed my buttons in the past and I've spent so much energy trying to figure her out. Just recently, finally decided, no more. I'll do my best to keep out of her way and I will not feel sad anymore about the missed opportunity. Have decided it's her loss even though she is probably clueless about her cement roller approach to many people.
Years ago I had a boss that was HORRIBLE. My first day she got a new job and announced, "I'm leaving in two weeks and between now and then I'm going to cram my 10 years of knowledge into your head." She certainly gave it her best shot and at the time I couldn't stand her. After she left I began to appreciate her efforts. One day I ran into her and told her, "When I first met you I couldn't stand you." She just laughed and said, "No one can when they first meet me---the smart ones get over it." We've been friends ever since and I've adopted her outlook. And I've found out she's right, the smart ones do. :lol:
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