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Old 03-23-2010, 02:35 PM
poconel's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Posts: 13

I have a small design wall that is portable. I just picked up a "Project Pro Display Board" at CVS & covered it with flannel. Then I have a ceiling tile that is covered with flannel - this is good for an appliqued block. I purchased a Cheryl Ann design wall at our quilt show. It's HUGE, but because the legs stick out so far, it takes up a lot of floor space. I'm going to a mini-retreat this weekend & the place we are staying in does not allow tacks, tape or anything on the walls (the buildings are all historic buildings), so my husband bought 2 pieces of 1 1/2" PVC pipe, he cut 2 pieces to 46" & 2 pieces to 50". He bought 4 elbows to connect the corners. I picked up about 2 yards of flannel at JoAnns & sewed a pocked in the top & the bottom - I made it really taut. The beauty of this is that it leans up against the wall, doesn't do any damage & is easy to take apart & put together. I'm just going to make up a case for it, so my flannel doesn't get dirty while travelling!
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