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Old 03-29-2010, 09:47 PM
May in Jersey
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I'm back from the Lancaster show and thought the show at the Marriot was so bright and colorful. The quilts were outstanding, less tradtional quilts and more contemporary ones. Some of the old vendors and a few new ones but sorry I didn't see the one you are looking for. Did say "Hello" to Harriet at the HandiQuilter booth.

I loved that the floor was carpeted and there were so many chairs for oldsters like me to sit and rest on. We had wondered about the new location and availability of parking. For $5 we parked at a downtown lot and took the free shuttle bus to the main part of the show at the Marriot and also to the 2nd location of the quilt show. The 2nd location was smaller, darker and less interesting.

Lancaster show is great because there are so many fabric shops that have very low prices for top quality fabrics. Came home with 32 plus yards of fabric for my sister and myself and I only spent about $100. Best buy this year was 5 yards of a great 56 inch fabric at 1.99 per yd. May in Jersey
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