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Old 04-08-2010, 02:55 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Pittsburg, Kansas
Posts: 110

There are many different kinds of Depression. I am not a doc, but I can speak from experience from my own life and also from our Son's battle with it. For instance, when our youngest daughter was born, every morning, I would wake up crying. Just to see the sun shining, "set me off." I had 3 kids--under the age of 7. The doc put me on "mood elevators." That really helped and I got along fine. My hair was falling out little by little after her birth. No one could even look at me but what I would start crying. So, the pills did help me--a lot. I still have bouts with it; I just take a Xanax and try to "chill out." It runs in our family, as does Bi-Polar. That is where you have shifts from depression to mania. Our son has this and takes a regimem of drugs, and can function fine. There are several in my family who are afflicted with this chronic situation.
Our youngest daughter started taking the high-dollar depression advertised a lot--before the baby was born in Jan. She does really well on it. Her husband told me without it, she was a real "mess."
As for your question why so many people are depressed; I personally think the docs sometimes would rather just push pills to you than to take some time to find out why you are depressed. They are most all so "money mad," this is their way of not getting off their schedule to make their boat payments, ect, ect.
Hope I have answered your question. Glad you aren't afflicted with this, as it is no fun. Just now thought of the drug she takes; Cymbalta. She must get samples, as money is very tight at their house.
Must ring off. Drop me a line if you have any questions.
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