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-   -   Great grandmothers 15-90 (https://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage-antique-machine-enthusiasts-f22/great-grandmothers-15-90-a-t266558.html)

zozee 06-18-2015 06:53 PM

Here's a thought, to help you balance the "just because" reasoning with the reality of keeping something you don't think you really want or will use. (This is coming from someone who bought a 15-91 two years ago and had everything fixed on it but the timing is still off, so I've never used it.) Mine is in a cabinet which takes up a lot of room, especially since the machine is useless as is.

I would say give yourself a statute of limitations with it. Maybe a year. See if it "grows on you"--either in a good way, or like a fungus! haha. I used to be a keeper of everything because of sentiment, but realize that it's a burden once the sentiment has worn off. Instead of keeping the thing itself, keep a picture of it. I'm sure you could find a buyer in a year's time. A yard sale isn't necessarily the best venue.

fatquarters 06-18-2015 07:15 PM

Thanks everyone, you are so helpful.

Thanks again cari, I actually had thought that if I didn't use the machine, that maybe I would use the cabinet for my 301, and then at least I would be using a part of it, but I suspect that isn't going to work either.

macybaby....it would be a miracle if I could FMQ, I am really bad at it....REALLY BAD.

Zozee, I know what you mean about keeping everything for sentimental reasons, and I think that is the only reason for me to keep this machine. I am becoming like my Mom who won't part with anything because of its connection with the past.

I am am still thinking about this, but I am thinking seriously about bringing her home

quiltingcandy 06-18-2015 09:09 PM

I learned to sew on on 15-91 when I was 8 years old - I'm 61 now - with the knee control. Told my mother when she was ready to give up the 15-91, that I would like to have it. Since I was the only one to use it from 8 to 18, she gave it to me in 1998. It is so easy to use. I love the knee control - I still sit at other machines and find myself pushing my knee into the right leg as if it is trying to find the knee control. But it is just a piece of metal that pushes the foot control. So if I wanted I can take the foot control down and onto the floor. For me it is so much easier to use my knee instead my foot.

I can understand your dilemma - my aunt has my Great Grandmother's Singer treadle - I would hate for her to sell it or give it to strangers, no one in her family sews at all. But I already have my Great Aunt May's Damascus treadle and have no need for another treadle. (Neither of my daughters sew.) Not to mention that the machine is in Kansas and I am in California, it still just kills me.

lswan 06-19-2015 06:02 PM

The 15-90 is a terrific machine. I have one and 301s. I piece on the 301s and use the 15 for sewing on bindings and heavy sewing like purses or totes. You can get a new power cord and foot pedal from Sew Classic and take it out of the cabinet. None of my machines are in cabinets, but on a large table. I bought a wood box frame for about $45 online to put the 15-90 in. The 301 needs nothing to sew on the table. If it is in good shape, go for it and ditch the cabinet.

DresiArnaz 06-20-2015 09:24 PM

Go for it!!

Sounds like a great machine.

I bet you'll take to that knee controller like a duck to water!

Sewnoma 06-21-2015 05:22 AM

I have a Kenmore in a cabinet w/knee control, and it was a little strange at first but now I'm used to it. I still fish around with my foot for a pedal on that machine; and then when I've been using it for awhile and switch to another machine I'm fishing with my knee for the lever sometimes, but that's not really a problem - it amuses me when I realize what I'm doing.

sash 06-21-2015 06:34 AM

I hope I am not being rude about my comments, but: If you have to ask, I don't think you really want it. Now I love having my grandmother's cabinet and machine. I never use the machine but I love looking at it and the cabinet. I look at it every day and think of her. I sewed on it when I was little and I am now 73. Full of memories.

quilt938 06-21-2015 07:54 AM

gosh I"m already figuring out where I"d put her and it's not even a machine from my family! sure wish there was someone else in the family who wantd it - then no problem for you. I can understand not wanting something around that doesnt' bring you joy though- I have stuff from my parents that doesn't suit me - and big stuff is hard to deal with esp when there's not a lot of space. the 15s happen to be right up there with myf avorite machine- I get joyjust from looking at mine! hard for me to pass up a 15 - the real deals, the clones...just can't hardly pass one up!

mjhaess 06-30-2015 05:02 PM

I would never let it go even if I had to live a little crowded...A family piece like that will never come along again...Keep it...

fatquarters 06-30-2015 09:33 PM

I thank everyone for their comments. I think probably I really don't want it....and I really do love old things, and love some of the vintage machines. I don't know why I am even hesitating. But when I looked at it I don't even feel any excitement. I only vaguely remember my great grandmother. I was 4 when she passed.....so there is no memory of her sewing at all. my only memories are of being at her house, and sitting by her on her bed, so the machine, other than others telling me, do not stir up any fond thoughts. It is not a machine that I really want, would love a slant needle, a black 301....or a really pretty treadle....a 401, but this was not on my wish list.

But I pretty much have decided that I will get it, clean it up, and if after having it for a bit, if I still am not feeling it, I surely could find it a new home. It won't cost me anything, so I don't need much for it, just someone that will care for it. so I think that's my decision. thanks to all that chimed in.

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