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carriem 04-25-2013 12:42 PM

Dublb--I never commented on your flowers...all are very nice (both real and embroidered).

Ggal--Thank you for the offer of your extra feet. So did you spend time in the yard or trying out your new machine today? :)

Janie--Sounds like you might have had your hands full with 5yo twins! Do they live near by?

Honchey--I can pretty much use any of my decorative stitches using my walking foot. I hope it works for you too! I get "pretty" quilting that way even if I don't FMQ yet. :)

Anael--that is some very exciting news for the twins and their family too!! YAY!

QNS--beautiful block...great job Jan!

carriem 04-25-2013 12:57 PM

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Ok...now that I caught up on everybody. :) I have some exciting things to share...

I got TWO squishies in the mail today...both from Canada! One is my MB from Janie...it is so pretty. The greens and yellow match the flowers in the block from Mirabelle. :) Thank you Janie!!

The other is some telephone fabric from QE. For those who don't remember, DH works for a telephone company. She sent me a FQ as a thank you when hosting the BB swap and I had her pick me up some more. I figure I am her shopper here in the US so she can be mine there in Canada.

I was able to get my fabrics sorted further (were done by color last weekend)...now are folded and/or put into small tubs by color. (see pictures below) I just have my flannels to do and those will go in another cupboard like this one.

Lastly I got my first airplane block PP'd...just 13 more! I have all the 4Ps done that will alternate. Then I will have several propellers and windsocks to do. The triangle on the front of the plane needs to be appliqued. What are your opinions of the size? Color? Any ideas?? I am not sure I like it. It is hard to tell in the picture, but the plane is a dark navy with some tone-on-tone texture.

dublb 04-25-2013 02:44 PM

Oh! It's beautiful! Ya did great Jan! I can see why ya love it. :)

JeanieG 04-25-2013 03:12 PM

Jan, you did a great job on that block for QNS! And look at that beautiful block that Janie did for Carrie! Wow you gals outdid yourselves! Great work!!! How fun it is to see what everyone is making for our MB friends.

dublb 04-25-2013 03:24 PM

Oh Janie! Carrie's block is just outstandin'! That green has so much movement!

QuiltE 04-25-2013 04:07 PM

Question: Guess what's on my deck?

... I have not sewn on it yet, though I did quite a bit of sewing on the showroom model yesterday. Tonight I got it all unpacked, and so many pieces to figure out what to do with them! :)

DublB ... Oh My Goodness, isn't that just darling!!!! :D I didn't trim the blocks yet, so I have some leeway there. From here, I don;t know what you are fussing about? Looks cute and perfect to me!

Anael ... awwwwwwwww so sweet and precious, with a Grandma's love watching over! Remember ... theft is good! :) This IS exciting!!!!!!!! :D And now I just saw the comparison pic from birth to current! WOW!!! And even more great news, with them getting almost home! Has Mick started to realize they will soon be invading his private domain?

GGal ... Yessssssssssssss!!!! I'm sure you're going to love this machine! With your kind and generous offer to CarrieM, I'm thinking you had a 6600 before. Some nice improvements with your new machine. CarrieM knows that I had hoped to give her my extras, but they emphasized they wanted all to help them sell the used machine, so I'm glad that you were able to help her with some extra things. Have a great time on your little tour tomorrow ... and perhaps some FARTing will result too? :)

JanieW ... calling your machine names, is not good! It will issue its own revenge! :) I have a specialty one very nearby which just might have it, if we have them down here. A fun and perhaps tiring day with the twins?

Honchey ... Oh my, azaleas growing in the natural environment must be beautiful! I love them, just as a potted plant, so would be in heaven seeing them growing amass. Oh Oh ... one lost USB stick! :( Looks in the least likely place for it, and that's where it will be.

JanRN and QNSue ... oh me oh my ... what a beautiful block. Love the contrasts of the fabrics. The flowers really shine bright with that red (or is it rust?). And I think I detect some metallic glints in there too. How nice to get some Taste of Home. Any of the Reiman PUblications mags are great. Over the years, I've got many favourite recipes thanks to them!

CarrieM and JanieW ... great green block! I really like the two fabric look of it.

CarrieM .. glad that the fabric got thru to you. Does your DH know yet? Or is it a surprise, to come, for him? Great progress on your stash sorting! The airplane quilt is going to be a fun one to work on ... what size are the blocks?

Answer: Snow Pellets ... a big shower of the idiotic things! ggrrrrrr!!!!!

JanieW 04-25-2013 04:36 PM

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Glad you like your block, Carrie and I'm relieved to hear it arrived. Our twin grandsons are 2 of the six grandkids and they live in our city. We have them once a week for a morning . They are pretty good kids, so not really a handful, but they keep us busy in a good way.

QNS and JanRN that is a gorgeous block. Lovely colours.

QuiltE, We had a great morning with the twins. They have kinder in the PM so we just have them for a couple of hours, feed them and drive them to school. They are good kids so it is a fun time.

I played a bit with my pansy fabric this afternoon, but I want to do a bit more so I'm out of here.

This one's for you, QuiltE


dublb 04-25-2013 04:54 PM

LOL So Ya'll don't want ta know that it's 73*F right now & the back door is open. (Don't forgit that my plants are all dyin' from lack o' water.) Taday the weather is wonderful. So I'm enjoyin' it.

oksewglad 04-25-2013 08:03 PM

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Between babies and OTM, Anael's been busy!
The mystery blocks are looking great. So nice to see them.
Finally have my machine part so I can get to sewing tomorrow night. Weather too good to stay indoors and DH will have me in the fields soon. Today made a road trip to get peas and barley (2 hours one way) so maybe it will actually get into the ground!
QE--oh joy--a new toy! Always fun to play and know you will use all the features it has to offer. Yes I had seen the GMFG finish--but really didn't want to make another 60 of the little buggers. Doesn't it make a nice finish though.
Thanks for the water update Carrie. Need to check on family in central Illinois--Peoria area is getting hit hard now. A nice finish to the BB.
Glad all's well, QNS. And prayers going out for you too Jeanie. Hey the bad days just let us appreciate the good ones!
Love the flowers ladies. 4 yo picked the first scilla for me while I was road tripping. Looked kind of ragged when it got to me late in the afternoon, but can't you feel spring in the air. Yes I hope that snowman message gets through to the PTB (powers that be).
Oh and mirabelle just comes up with another beauty she just "found" in her cupboard. Oh wait there's two. Your work is remarkable--ask me how I know--Isn't this a winner. Thanks so much Karen. Anael's advice was perfect. And looks great with DD's lovely block.[ATTACH=CONFIG]410104[/ATTACH]

JeanieG 04-25-2013 08:15 PM

Oh my OK, your MB is beautiful! The blues just go together wonderfully! Love it!

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