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craftybear 01-12-2011 11:44 AM

What animals do you have inside or outside (also wild animals) at your house?

I was looking out the front living room window today and noticed a squirrel running across the yard in the snow was so cool to see.

Also we have seen coyotes tracks in the snow and can hear them howling at night in the woods behind our house.

I have seen squirrels, rabbits, stray cats and dogs around our yard.

Inside: we have a shih tzu male dog and he is spoiled rotten

Thanks again for sharing and this will be fun to see what types of animals are around our yards

np3 01-12-2011 11:48 AM

Do we count the occasional mouse? Squirrels a lot. When I was working in the bay area, the deer would come right up to the door. Beautiful to see!

QuiltnCowgirl 01-12-2011 11:49 AM

At home: 2 cats
At the stables: a horse
At work on a farm - especially in the meadow outside my office window: rabbits, coyotes, hawks and more species of birds than you can imagine, and the one lone red fox that came sniffing at the screendoor by my desk. Love my "office with a view" :D

amandasgramma 01-12-2011 11:50 AM

2 cats inside

outside: deer, coyotes, cougars, elk, quail, all kinds of birds, chipmunks, squirrels, mice, rabbits and a neighborhood dog that visits and eats my leftovers. :)

vhiggason 01-12-2011 11:51 AM

We have deer, elk, saw a mom bear and her two cubs in the fall, fox, squirrels, and we have a German Shepherd in the house.

tomilu 01-12-2011 11:52 AM

We have squirrels here in town, of course the birds, and three feral cats. One is a huge Manx. A group here in town that deals with feral cats is going to help me trap them, get them neutered, shots and turned back out. I enjoy watching them from inside the house. Unfortunately, one is a female coming into season.
Inside, I have a toy poodle and an Italian Greyhound and one ornery husband

kriscraft99 01-12-2011 11:53 AM

I have a Great Blue Heron, some Loons, occasionally I see 2 or 3 deer running across the bottom of the yard, raccoon, fox, coyote, muskrat and some beavers.

hobo2000 01-12-2011 11:58 AM

In Washington, DC, our house backs up to Rock creek Park (runs thru city). We get deer, fox, raccoons, possums, squirrels, chipmunks, snakes, tortoise, snails, cats, birds of all kinds. Last week we had a large hawk circling our yard and my son ran out to rescue Foxy, our 6 lb long haired Chihuahua. We felt the hawk could have easily snatched him for dinner, our 12 lb black Pom would have been a little hard to pick up. A black bear upon occasion in a cold spring and more geese than I ever thought possible. They are very friendly, if somewhat messy.

prairiequeen 01-12-2011 11:59 AM

We just got new puppy for Christmas,so she spends some time inside.She is a red heeler(cattle workin dog) so she will spend most of her time outside.We named her Ruby. We have cattle,pigs,chickens,cats.A fox lives down the road and likes to get my chickens,deer,rabbits.

blzzrdqueen 01-12-2011 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by craftybear
What animals do you have inside or outside (also wild animals) at your house?

I was looking out the front living room window today and noticed a squirrel running across the yard in the snow was so cool to see.

Also we have seen coyotes tracks in the snow and can hear them howling at night in the woods behind our house.

I have seen squirrels, rabbits, stray cats and dogs around our yard.

Inside: we have a shih tzu male dog and he is spoiled rotten

Thanks again for sharing and this will be fun to see what types of animals are around our yards

I have 4 cats and a dog, and a family of squirrels living in my attic!
Can't afford to have them taken care of ($2000 to remove them, decontaminate the attic and seal off the entry points), and don't have the heart to kill them ourselves, so we let them be for the time being...

lovingmama 01-12-2011 12:07 PM

Inside :two dogs,
outside : coyote, deer, stray cats, squirrels, rabbits, birds of all kind, a pretty smelly skunk, and a mole (which I would like to dissapear, the skunk incl.), bats

Liz aka Helen 01-12-2011 12:15 PM

4 Attachment(s)
I have 10 cats and 3 Chihuahuas. Ages ranging from 10 years to 7 months old with the cats.

This is Bill @ 2 months old

Goober after much play

Blanca the Old Girl

Sadiemae 01-12-2011 12:22 PM

I have a lot of squirrels in my yard, They love to tease my poodle, MOlly. This is the reason she learned that she can climb the fence. I also have a neutered white siamese who decided that he lives here(outside).

Liz aka Helen 01-12-2011 12:27 PM

If your do some research you should find that the is a contraption that you can put over the entrance where the are coming into the attic. It looks like a cone the the pointed part facing out. They can leave but they can't get back in. Squirrels that is.

brushandthimble 01-12-2011 12:31 PM

woodpeckers, once a pair of the large very large ones that red and black?
A grey fox, deer, hawk on the fence snacking on a morning dove. squirrel, chipmonks, mice and moles in the house.

QazyQltr 01-12-2011 12:40 PM

Inside - two rat terrors(terriers) & 5 lb Pom
Barn - goats, chickens & noisy guineas
neighbors - cows, llamas, donkeys, cats, dogs
Birds - cardinals, blue birds, mockingbirds

clem55 01-12-2011 12:51 PM

Squirrels outsideand chipmunks, rabbits now and then, and roaming cats. One spoiled Shinese inside..

pocoellie 01-12-2011 12:56 PM

Inside-2 dogs, Che, a smooth coat Chow and Ruby, a pit bull/chow. Outside, a long haired cat, Squirrel, who is virtually useless as far as catching prey and 3 horses, Smokey, Crystal and Shadow. Wild animals, deer, quail, coyotes, bob cat, and other rodents, including pack rats.

ckcowl 01-12-2011 01:04 PM

deer, rabbits, fox, mostly outside...some birds...inside...a big white cat named kimba...he rules the roost and makes sure no (other wild animals) critters get in :thumbup:

Ramona Byrd 01-12-2011 01:05 PM

Here in town we of course have a lot of Squirrels, and one of them is sorta strange. For a long time I've found nuts hidden under leaves in my pot plants (not THAT kind of pot plants) and sometimes I stand out front and watch her (mentally a blonde?)
lay a nut on the ground and cover it with leaves. She'll study it and then move the leaves and rush off to find different ones. I have to keep pulling stray nut seedlings up from the planter beds. And in the notch of the front door tree is one nut that now has a leaf over it, replaced as soon as it blows away.
Also outside is a land turtle, now safely dug in for hibernation.
Inside are two rescue cats, and of course no mice have been around for years.
One male cat outside who comes around to pee on my front screen door. Sometimes dogs wonder around but in this town very few are let run loose.

granky 01-12-2011 01:08 PM

Three birds, four dogs, and a squirrel in the tree outside that keeps the dogs in a continual frenzy. We are sure the squirrel knows exactly what it is doing. Doggie door is sealed up for the winter, so we get plenty exercise...let frenzied dogs out...let frozen dogs in...repeat all day...

Joanie2 01-12-2011 01:11 PM

I have 2 cats inside. Outside I have a very tall palm tree where a family of squirrels live. Every day I tuck crackers and old bread into the strips of bark and watch them come down to nibble. My cats love to watch. My son said he saw a huge white owl come down one night which explains the big droppings my husband has found. Looks like a ball of bones. Ugh! At least it keeps any mice away. Hopefully it's staying away from the squirrels so far.

Shari1967 01-12-2011 01:21 PM

1 cat inside.
I have a couple squirrels that come visit on occasion. Quite a few birds of course. I had 2 ducks - we named them Alice and Jasper. They came all the time but we've not seen them since May - they usually hang out in the summer, we're hoping to see them again in the spring. They actually knock on the sliding glass door when they land and let us know they are there. We feed them. Probably shouldn't but can't help it. They got quite use to us and would let me talk to them. I always have some water out for them too.

Alex J 01-12-2011 01:25 PM

Let see inside, I have two dogs one upstairs with me. Ralf, he is half Lab and Rottweiler and very protective of his property. Down stairs I build a mother –in law, my oldest daughter lives there with her min pin and three cats. And of course the field mice’s that come in for the winter. Outside you name it, I have it, everything from wood peckers, wild birds, wild turkeys, rabbits, raccoons, skunks, foxs, squirrel, chipmunks, moles deer’s, bucks to the occasional black bear. My back yard runs into the Appalachian trail and the Berkshire Mts. Just recently, I have been hearing coyotes. So we always have a show everyday, and they help keeps Ralf trim for his job it to run the critters off during the day

martha jo 01-12-2011 01:30 PM

Inside at night = two labs Outside = lots of squirrels, rabbits, deer, coyotes, wild hogs, buzzards, Mexican eagles, ducks, heron, all kinds of small birds, cows (mine), and so far 30 snakes recently. None seen since cold weather but sure they are out there. Forgot the raccoons, skunks and armadillos. Yes I am in the country. The squirrels and the buzzards drive the labs crazy.

nativetexan 01-12-2011 01:44 PM

outside-squirrels of course, birds ,foxes, racoons, skunks and cyotes too. oh and mice and snakes.
3 cats inside and one hubby!!

quiltlonger 01-12-2011 04:16 PM

Inside-- 1 Boston terrier spayed 2 AKC boxers (ready to do the deed again) 2 ferrets (fixed) 2 turtles plus 7 other fish tanks ranging in size from 10 gallons to a 125 gallon (room divider) tanks have goldfish to a 20" Pacu!! couple hundred fishes easily. Plus 3 boys ranging from 14 to 22 and hubby. Outside-- cardinals, blue jays, sparrows in front trees turkeys outback and deer all around The doe and fawns come to edge of lawn They know our dogs have the invisible fence and can't get to them it's funny watching them go all the way around the house taunting each other.And lets not forget the occasional skunk!!!

Conniequilts 01-12-2011 04:18 PM

none inside. Outside all kinds of wildlife and one horse :)

hazeljane 01-12-2011 04:50 PM

12 Italian greyhounds, in various stages from totally feral to cuddlebugs. Ranging in age from 12 to 1 1/2. 7 of them are "fosters" though of those, 4 are feral (not well socialized and afraid of people- typical of puppy mill survivors) and may or may not find homes.

We have had the occasional bird and kamikaze squirrel come in through the dog door, to add a bit of excitement to our lives.

Rhonda 01-12-2011 05:01 PM

We have a German Short Haired Pointer Molly who is stubborn as the day is long but sweet natured and Maggie a blue tick beagle who is 12 and a food hound! We have Snickers a grey cockatiel who thinks she runs the house. Outside we see rabbits squirrels cats ground squirrels(chipmunks) You occasionally will see a bobcat or fox or wolf or coyote around. Mostly in the country tho not up close here. We are in a small town that is like almost in the country.

feline fanatic 01-12-2011 05:01 PM

Originally Posted by Liz aka Helen
I have 10 cats and 3 Chihuahuas. Ages ranging from 10 years to 7 months old with the cats.

Are you fostering by any chance? That is a lot of cats/kittens at different ages. I say a lot HA That is only two for every one of mine. Hmmm, maybe I should rethink my comment :lol:

Anyway, actually seen in our yard outside... Deer, raccoon, fox, red and gray squirrels, chipmunks, countless rabbits, tons of different types of birds, hawks (had a bit too much interest in the chickens, same with the fox!) Chickens, 4 beehives, great horned owl but I haven't seen him in a few years I hear him alot. I have heard coyotes but never seen them. My dog is inside outside. Inside 5 cats and the occasional mouse that has made a very poor decision. Sometimes they escape, most times they don't.

quilter2 01-12-2011 06:14 PM

Squirrels, lots of birds, hawks, snakes, ducks, inside our dog Bailey.

Butterfly Queen 01-12-2011 06:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Lots of rabbits and squirrels in town, and the koi in the back yard.

Main pond in back yard

wolfkitty 01-12-2011 06:49 PM

I have an orange striped, bobtail (born that way) cat inside who is very cuddly. Outside, there are other cats, baby birds born in the spring in the nests and houses on the patio shelf, blue jays, flocks of geese, occasional huge flocks of crows as well as flocks of another bird that swoop around, land on the ground and trees and then take off again, and squirrels. One time, someone had apparently put out a chunk of bread that a squirrel found, and tucked into a wooden box of fake flowers that I had sitting on the front porch railing. That made me laugh.

gmaybee 01-12-2011 07:29 PM

Inside two spoiled rotten cats. Outside deer, rabbit, wild turkey, redfox (once had a family of mom dad and 8 kits) rabbits, coyote, skunk, opposum, racoons, all kind of birds. We love feeding the birds in the winter. We feed the hummingbirds in the summer. We've had our house for sale twice and I would miss all the wildlife if and when we move.

irishrose 01-12-2011 07:35 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Outside squirrels, chipmunks, coyote, bears, deer, a few snakes, birds - a few rabbits - when the coyote population is up the rabbit population is down, stray cats, etc.

Inside - Liliana Grace. Lily is a rescue Siberian/Shiba Inu. A tall, beautiful, gentle animal with a bit of Sibe stubbornness, but not much. My imp is Moira Mae, a Border Collie mix. Another rescue who was very near death when the shelter gave her to me. She is a happy, fun loving little dog, though a bit on the protective side.



dpparris 01-12-2011 07:37 PM

2 Attachment(s)
4 Chihuahuas. 1 long haired black male, 1 blue fawn female, one cream female, and our newest is a rescure long hair black female (she was found on a busy highway and so skinny, but is great now). All of them are spoiled rotten.

Bitsy - our rescue

Bear (black) Brandy (cream) and Baby Girl (blue fawn)

Maride 01-12-2011 07:44 PM

Inside: A Boston Terrier, (Cow), 3 tortoises, 4 turtles, a husband and two boys.

Outside: since we are in NYC there is not much wild life except for an occasional squirrel balancing on the electric wires, but I am near a college campus and sometimes there are some unidentifiable living creatures walking down the street that I can not place. We have a guy on a skateboard when there is a foot of snow on the ground, a girl on a wheelchair in the middle of the road, a blond huge afro (don't ask) and many other things that I have to label as wild life. I haven't seen any yet, but there has to be a roach somewhere.

gmaybee 01-12-2011 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by irishrose
Outside squirrels, chipmunks, coyote, bears, deer, a few snakes, birds - a few rabbits - when the coyote population is up the rabbit population is down, stray cats, etc.

Inside - Liliana Grace. Lily is a rescue Siberian/Shiba Inu. A tall, beautiful, gentle animal with a bit of Sibe stubbornness, but not much. My imp is Moira Mae, a Border Collie mix. Another rescue who was very near death when the shelter gave her to me. She is a happy, fun loving little dog, though a bit on the protective side.

I have a friend in Cadillac. The end of their road is state land, so everytime she pulls in her drive she has to make sure there aren't any bear, before she gets out of her car.

hannajo 01-12-2011 07:49 PM

We have mice, squirrels and birds outside. Pigeons, seagulls, and sparrows are the most common birds I've seen. And I've seen rats in the subway terminal. The mice only come inside to visit us occasionally, and I thank God we don't have cockroaches or bed bugs. There's also a few cats who seem to patrol the neighborhood. They appear to take their "job" very seriously.

Here in Brooklyn, the wildlife tends to me more human.

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