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-   -   UFO Challenge of the Month 2011 (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/ufo-challenge-month-2011-a-t85770.html)

LucyInTheSky 12-28-2010 12:31 PM

By popular demand, here is the official thread for the UFO Challenge of the Month 2011!

The way it works: anyone can be a member and there are no penalties if you're busy one month. Try to finish one UFO each month. Once it's finished, post a picture and description here. We'll ooh and ahh. Try to finish another one next month.

This can also work if you need ideas for how to finish yours or encouragement. I want this to be an area where we can support each other in getting through our UFOs for 2011.

A few rules/guidelines for the challenge (partially copied from Patrice's previous rules, so I'm not plagiarizing :D) :

"Finished" means all the way done and ready to use. If you give it away or trade it away, it counts since you're finished with it!

SWAPPING is NOT part of this challenge. If members want to trade between themselves that's just fine. I mean only that it isn't a part of this and should be done separately between individuals.

And the way I differentiate a UFO with a WIP - a UFO is something that you put down awhile ago and don't feel a strong desire to pick up again since there are more exciting things to do. So pretty much any of those projects that you put into your closet and forgot about qualify.

So everyone's challenge/goal: 1 UFO completed by January 31, 2011. Good luck! Here's wishing all of us good luck and LOTS of energy in 2011!

crt 12-28-2010 12:33 PM

I think I'll try to play! Maybe! :oops:

TN Donna 12-28-2010 12:38 PM

I am going to give it a shot. I really need to clean out the box in my closet.

okiepastor 12-28-2010 12:38 PM

I'm in---I have over 40 to finish!

Jim's Gem 12-28-2010 12:41 PM

I will play.... I have a few sitting around her (ok, maybe more than a few!)

LucyInTheSky 12-28-2010 12:47 PM

What's interesting is that my 2010 goal was to finish 12 UFOs. I think I did 5 (which I'm very impressed with). And then I started stash busting. I made a bunch of tops, which are now in the WIP/UFO section on my closet. But the stash is a little slimmer now. Heh, now I just need a long arm. I'll have my UFOs done in no time!

littlehud 12-28-2010 12:52 PM

I'm willing to play. Maybe a can finish a few.

candlequilter 12-28-2010 12:54 PM

Okay I am in. My new years resolution for 2011 is already stated that I will not start on a new quilting project until I have finished all of my UFO or WIP. Since I have more of those then I think I can finish in a year this resolution is only good for 2011. By doing this challenge maybe it will help get more of them done.


craftyone27 12-28-2010 12:55 PM

One question, while I decide if I am in for this one. Does it count as a UFO if you simply bought fabrics for a project but never actually started it? If not - I don't think I have enough UFO's to get through the year. I may play anyway - but am still curious if these projects count.

LucyInTheSky 12-28-2010 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by craftyone27
One question, while I decide if I am in for this one. Does it count as a UFO if you simply bought fabrics for a project but never actually started it? If not - I don't think I have enough UFO's to get through the year. I may play anyway - but am still curious if these projects count.

I dunno, good question... I'm inclined to say no, only because then I think I've tripled my UFOs. IMO, UFO is something that is actually started. Either you were cutting, or you're halfway through piecing, or you just need to add the dang borders (those are most of mine, lol).

Still play! Even if you don't have 12 started (which, wow, I'm impressed!), finish whatever's started and then work on those. We won't disqualify you. I really want this to be a fun way to work through projects that aren't finished, rather than like the BOMs where you get penalized for not finishing them, ya know? Happy encouragement, not punishment :D

MinnieKat 12-28-2010 02:03 PM

I'll give it a try!

Judebug 12-28-2010 02:29 PM

I'm definitely in on this one. I worked through a few UFO's in 2010 but my goal is to finish one per month and hopefully more this year. Thanks for the motivation and a group of like minded folks to high five our accomplishments with.

Kitsapquilter 12-28-2010 02:31 PM

I am in on this one. I have plenty of UFO's but alot of mine are tops that just need quilting and I don't do my own quilting most of the time unless it is a small project. The cost keeps me from having too many of them quilted. But I do have a LAQ near me now that is very reasonable so plan to try to get more of those tops done this year!
I also have lots of blocks finished but need to be laid out and sewn together. So that is what I will be working on.
Maybe by joining the challenge I will come nearer getting them done!

leatheflea 12-28-2010 02:33 PM

I'm in, Clean out those ufos and make room for more new fabric!

kima 12-28-2010 02:38 PM

I'm in bound and determined to get things finished thanks for the encouragement

J.M. 12-28-2010 03:24 PM

I'm in, but I'm going to cut my projects into smaller bits, or I'll take a year for one UFO/WIP, since I've got some big, big projects. January goal: finish my Christmas Quilt top.

Robbi24 12-28-2010 04:06 PM

Hi, I want to play, my goal is to finish one a month, but even just having the encouragement through this group will help soooooo much. Now I ust have to get off this computer to sew lol. Thanks

marcias 12-28-2010 04:59 PM

I'm in. Just finished the binding on my Christmas UFO from a fabric exchange from 2004. This group really helps. Now to get a pic and post on the 2010 Challenge

sonisew 12-28-2010 05:06 PM

Count me in. I have UFOs that need to be completed.

Up North 12-28-2010 05:56 PM

Ok Let me try but I am a hand quilter and there is no way I can get one done in a month! BUT I have one half done so that will be my January goal and another one started for May so I will try to get that ready to hand quilt by The end of Feb.

aliaslaceygreen 12-28-2010 06:07 PM

Ok, I'm in!

donac 12-28-2010 06:30 PM

I'm in. First up finish the hand quilting the quilt for my parents.

I spent the day cleaning my sewing space. I have a lot to do but I found the table so that is a start.

beautress 12-28-2010 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by LucyInTheSky
By popular demand, here is the official thread for the UFO Challenge of the Month 2011!

The way it works: anyone can be a member and there are no penalties if you're busy one month. Try to finish one UFO each month. Once it's finished, post a picture and description here. We'll ooh and ahh. Try to finish another one next month.

This can also work if you need ideas for how to finish yours or encouragement. I want this to be an area where we can support each other in getting through our UFOs for 2011.

A few rules/guidelines for the challenge (partially copied from Patrice's previous rules, so I'm not plagiarizing :D) :

"Finished" means all the way done and ready to use. If you give it away or trade it away, it counts since you're finished with it!

SWAPPING is NOT part of this challenge. If members want to trade between themselves that's just fine. I mean only that it isn't a part of this and should be done separately between individuals.

And the way I differentiate a UFO with a WIP - a UFO is something that you put down awhile ago and don't feel a strong desire to pick up again since there are more exciting things to do. So pretty much any of those projects that you put into your closet and forgot about qualify.

So everyone's challenge/goal: 1 UFO completed by January 31, 2011. Good luck! Here's wishing all of us good luck and LOTS of energy in 2011!

What a great idea, LucyInTheSky. I have so many UFOs, this is my first day here, but I'm already enthused. Thanks so much for starting this thread, and I'll try to be back again and again. Can we start now?

kuntryquilter 12-29-2010 03:20 AM

I think I will give this a shot. Need to whittle down my UFO's.

QuiltnLynn 12-29-2010 03:23 AM

Yahoo - That was already my Goal/Resolution so I'm In. This will give me that extra little push to get them done.

QM 12-29-2010 03:58 AM

UFOs are my primary emphasis for the next few months. I have gobs of them

MerryQuilter 12-29-2010 04:03 AM


lagniappe 12-29-2010 04:12 AM

I'm in! I have so many started and unfinished that it's blocking my creativity. LOL

foxxigrani 12-29-2010 05:21 AM

I wanna play too. I don't have many UFO's but would be nice if I got the few I have done and start so WIP's. Anything to get me going.

foxxigrani 12-29-2010 05:21 AM

I wanna play too. I don't have many UFO's but would be nice if I got the few I have done and start so WIP's. Anything to get me going.

tinliz 12-29-2010 05:55 AM

I will play too. I have already taken the challenge not to buy any fabric or supplies except what is needed to finish a project. If I start anything new it will be from fabrics in my stash. I have at the fabric for at least five projects I have not started. Won't admit how many UFO's.

hheelleenn 12-29-2010 05:56 AM


Up North 12-29-2010 06:10 AM

Originally Posted by hheelleenn

Unfinished object
Work in Progress

Linda1 12-29-2010 06:21 AM

Count me in.

yonnikka 12-29-2010 06:25 AM

Count me IN! I belong to another group called Stashbusters, which catapults me into Starting a LOT of projects using my scraps... but I'm drawn in too many different directions. This Challenge to accomplish a finished project within a month is just what I need. But I have one question: where do we post the Photo images of our completed projects? Will we put them here? Or where? RSVP

GrandmK 12-29-2010 06:48 AM

I will try also. I am already behind in everything but maybe I can catch up and get more done this winter. I seldom sew in the summer but will give it an honest try!!

gaga grandma 12-29-2010 07:16 AM

Sounds good to me. I will give it a try. i am tired of unfinished stuff laying around. It is nice that we have a fee days to jump start!

Marye 12-29-2010 07:30 AM

count me in

tomilu 12-29-2010 07:42 AM

This is something I really need to take part in; don't even want to count my UFOs.

liese 12-29-2010 07:45 AM

I don't have too many UFO's! But I do have lots I need to complete in 2011 -- look forward to watching and joining in on everyone's progress :)

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