Old 05-12-2010, 09:11 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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I do sympathize! My daughter is coming home next weekend. For at least a year. I know her job hunting will require a lot of TLC and time. Fortunately, our apartment has always been a haven for her friends. DD wanted to change her bedroom around from high school to post-grad. Picked out the color with former boyfriend. I balk at repainting. I did make a surprise quilt to hang behind the bed to give it a new feel. Wondering how all of her stuff can be stored for the day she gets her own place! Fortunately, my kids are proud of my quilting. Being a single mom and putting 3 through college gave me little time to do my own thing. And they know that you are supposed to learn new things as you age. So quilting can give me more time on this planet to be their dedicated mom. Incidentally my daughter went to Hunter HS, recently in the news with the Elena Kagan nominatioin. I hope this will encourage her to follow her own dream. Dreadful economy. My biggest question is how much spending money for the unemployed Class of 2010!
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