Thread: Isn't this odd?
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Old 05-27-2008, 07:18 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Posts: 125

I hope my comments did not offend anyone. I was just commenting on my own experience. I have volumes of "stash" from all the places you mentioned. I even use some old clothes I find in thrift stores, although that can be a pricey situation. My husbands old jeans don't go to waste either. Philosophically I believe in using what we have and can afford and I believe we can all produce true art with our Wally World stuff. Really, I couldn't afford to quilt without the $2.00 stuff. Since I can't work anymore and have no income other than what my husband gives me every dime has to count. My dear darling husband allowed me to splurge and take this course (of course they require you buy their fabric) and I know what I've learned will help me produce a better quality quilt with the stash I have. Perhaps my wording or expression could have been better. In retrospect, "superior" is probably not the word I should have used. I definitely am no elitist regarding quilting and don't belong to the quilt police. We all have a need to express ourselves artistically and we're fortunate to have the options we have. It's a shame we are losing so many places like at WalMart. Again, my apologies. No intent to offend.

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