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Old 05-17-2010, 11:05 AM
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We have chickadees, titmice, blue jays, sparrows, house finches, goldfinches, robins, cardinals, downey, hairy and red-bellied woodpeckers, cat birds, rose breasted grosbeaks, bats, hummingbirds (put the feeder out yesterday), we can hear the orioles in the woods, but don’t see them often, crows, grackles, starlings, an occasional cedar waxwing, bluebirds (rarely) and occasionally flickers.

DH and I love watching the birds. :D

Bobbielinks, you have a great variety of birds. We also see red tail and red shouldered hawks and a rare pileated woodpecker. I've never seen a red-bellied woodpecker try to get sugar water. That's got to be funny since they're a big bird! :lol:
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