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Old 05-17-2010, 10:01 PM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Stacy, Minnesota
Posts: 227

Oh all I can do is lol when I read all of these! I am not alone!!!! He is a pretty rough and tumble boy. He likes all things dirty, gross, sneaky, stinky, and downright naughty. Except heights, he is petrified of heights. Go figure. A friend just gave us a battery opperated motorcycle with training wheels that drives around the yard and driveway. I have caught him standing up riding with both feet on the one side of the bike several times now. Heartattack.Waiting.To.Happen.
At Grandma's last week, he found an earthworm, and very kindly brought it in the house to show her, and plopped it on the kitchen table. Just for Grandma, love Ashton.
So, lesson learned, I will not sew or cut anything with my little one awake. Ever.
My sisters, mom and I were talking about funny old stories on Mother's day, and one remembered was when mom was sewing. Underneath her sewing table was my two older sisters and myself, but she couldn't see us. They decided to put a (somewhat tight) plastic bag over my head and see what happens. My mom caught them as I was turning purple :)
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