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Old 05-18-2010, 01:10 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Oregon
Posts: 124

Not many in my area has toy box available. However, the ones that do are not very good. They make unsafe mistakes like placing the play area near an outside door where kids can easily slip outside. I have even been in a shop where the play area is not properly lighted so the kids are too scared to stay. Not to mention it smelled like mildew. It looks like the owners don't seem to take the time to make that area more comforting to the children so the kids would like to stay and leave their mothers alone to do more shopping. When my kids do go with me to shops and play in the toy box, I always make sure my kids put all the toys back. I make sure the place is left in the condition we showed up to. I also make my kids thank the shop staff when we leave. Having worked in retail I understand how unbearable it can be for the staff to hear unruling children one after another. When I was working I vowed never to be one of those moms that let their children treat stores like a playground or think their children couldn't possibly do anything wrong. Like shoplifting or knocking down displays. My oldest is ADHD so I have to make sure he does not leave the store. My second oldest has butterfingers so I have to tell him to stop touching stuff unfortunately he is very texturally absesses. My third oldest is affraid of everything. So he usually is attached to my leg unless the shop has Tootsie Rolls then he just sticks close to me like my shadow. My youngest likes to rearrange the stores' displays, give the patrons hugs whether they are expecting it or not, and he thinks his dimple is his VIP access to everywhere. I try to go LQS shopping solo. If I do have to bring my entourage I only go if I have something specific like buying batting.
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