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Old 06-04-2010, 07:30 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: LA - Lower Alabama
Posts: 888

You know, I feel really sorry for all those people who say it's hard on the wife when the hubby retires, or you'll get tired of him being around or whatever...
My DH retired TEN years ago (seems like yesterday) and I have been SO THANKFUL to have him out of that gawdawful factory and able to enjoy life - he worked 30 years of swing shift, had open heart surgery (for a hole in his heart), and we wondered if he'd ever make it to retirement, let alone enjoy it for years.
I love having him around - we go everywhere together - altho I do go to quilt guild (sometimes) without him - if the lady I ride with doesn't go - he drives me!
Tomorrow we are going to a quilt show.
He works out in the yard - his hobby, I quilt...
This is one wife who's been married a long time (going on 45 years) who's tickled to pieces to have DH retired and hanging around!
(altho, he has been known to be a poophead - buwahahahaaaa)
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