Old 06-09-2010, 04:52 AM
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I've indexed my magazines and have listed some patterns, quilts, etc that I'd like to make. I did this on the computer so that I can update the info as the magazines come in. I have categorized according to magazine, then date, then I list the table of contents with ** next to ones that I'd like to make. That way it's much easier to find them. I also have my magazines in those cardboard magazine holders and in specific order with info written on the end of the holder. A little more systematic.
I don't get rid of them because I feel like you do in regards to our taste and skill level changing over time. There are several 'really advanced' quilts in these magazines that one day, I hope to make.
Because I too am getting magazine overload, I've cut back on subscriptions and am being more selective.
And we must face our own realities....in my case, if I did only 1 quilt from every magazine, I still would need to add 100 productive years to my age in order to complete them all! Yes, I too have a lot of magazines! ;-)
Kind Regards,
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