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Old 06-09-2010, 02:56 PM
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I saw a log cabin variation quilt in magazine that was mostly done in black and white prints. I want to do the quilt in black and red prints (for my boyfriend), but had trouble finding a variety of prints that had the same color of red. My solution: take black and white prints and dye them red. I tested this on a couple cheap bandanas and the dying process worked out quite nicely. The black bandana has a red overtone (which I had thought might happen), but you can only see it if you're upclose. The white bandana didn't get dyed completely so there were a few pink areas.

I also made a block out of the dyed bandanas...its not perfect. The bandana material was real thin so it wanted to stretch no matter how much I pinned it and I sort of rushed it so I didn't press as much as I should have and my seams weren't perfect.

Here's the end result. Even though the banadanas didn't get thoroughly saturated with dye and I did kind of rushed making a block (and the chopped up paisley border looks dreadful) I think it shows I could get this to work on a full sized quilt.
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