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Old 05-14-2007, 06:09 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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if you mean the folded flower/star, it's fairly easy once you've made a few.

i saw these on an episode of Simply Quilts. the first time i made one was right after i'd watched the show. years later, i couldn't remember how to do it so i went back to the episode page to go through the instructions. they confused the heck out of me and the pictures were too small to be useful.

also, the original version leaves all the edges raw. seems to me they wouldn't look good for long on anything that gets washed.

sooooooooooo i came up with my own way to make them. no raw edges. easier to assemble even with the extra sewing steps. i don't think i could explain it in words. would have to photgraph and document the steps.

no matter which way you make them, the first few might give you fits. once you find your "groove", though, you can crank out a pile in a very short time. i have a gazillion of 'em in different colors. they're for a few of my PIGs and IPIGS.

i've decided to make more, anyway, to use as cornerstones in the sashing i realized i'll have to add to make this quilt a decent size. i'll see if i can put together instructions that make sense to a normal person and not just to my rather "different" brain.
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