Old 06-16-2008, 08:56 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Daytona Beach Shores, FL
Posts: 2,352

I've had really good luck at Walmart and the Joann people are truly nice, but sometimes rushed when a sales is going on. The quilt shop here seems like a private club and I feel like I've just dropped into a party uninvited. When I was looking for a machine they were too busy to take an interest and asked a new girl who didn't know much about the machines. to show them to me. Now I know they have classes etc. but someone could have at least tired to set a time for me to come when they weren't busy. I spent my $ somewhere else and it wasn't cheap.
People are people. The last time I was in the material dept. at Walmart the clerk was helping me and I had about ten bolts of fabric for her to cut and another customer came up and told her she didn't know where to find a certain thing and she told her which aisle it was in and she'd help her in a minute, the gal left and came back and said she couldn't find it and was in a hurry for her to help her find it. I just shook my head and told her to show her I'd wait. The clerk was at a loss. It takes all kinds doesn't it.
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