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Old 06-20-2010, 09:26 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2009
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it looks very patriotic and you did a wonderful job!!!do not dispare, i know it was hurtful, but maybe he was just in a cranky moment, and really didn't mean to hurt you. I spent months making what i considered a beautiful crazy quilt, with velvets, silks...lots of embroidery...i put so much into it and thought it would be absolutely BEAUTIFUL on my youngest brother's new over stuffed leather sofa...which it is, but i've only seen it there sister in law really didn't think it was...all that....i guess...i did about 6 months after i gave it to them hear, oh the quilt she gave to us is ok i guess...sure wish we had something for our bed though, it is kind of useless......i was crushed...and yes, i did break down and give them a 'bed-sized' quilt but things sure are not the same between us anymore...
you did a wonderful job on your first quilt, don't stop making them because of his remarks. not everyone sees what we quilters see when we time you go see him don't even bring it up...wait and see. the first one i gave my mother was hidden from all to see for about 3 years, then all of a sudden i drop by and she excitedly takes my by the hand and leads me to her room where the quilt is actually on the bed!!!and she proudly told me, i am amazed how warm it is ;) when you gave it to me i didn't understand, i thought with it so thin it would be like covering up with a sheet...and i already had a sheet...but it's not like that at all, its warm and comfy and i love it!!! geez...only took her 3 years to decide it was worthy i least it's being used now...parents and children can both be cruel sometimes without even realizing it.
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