Old 07-04-2010, 06:01 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Central Nebraska
Posts: 9

I starch my backing, Magic sizing does a nice job and it is very inexpensive, then I use binder clips to clip my backing to a table. I then lay my batting on that and smooth it out, and binder clip that to the backing (just use the same ones). Then I starch the quilt top and lay it on top of the sandwich and clip that too. Sometimes I use spray adhesive, sometimes I don't. Then I start pinning. I leave all of of the pins open until I have it all pinned and then I close them all. Release your clips and quilt. I have used this for table runners and have just used it on a quilt that is about 60 x 60 and no puckers or anything on the back!! Hope that helps.

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