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Old 07-05-2010, 10:53 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 122

I am using the centers of bedskirts that are made out of that flimsy stuff instead of cheese cloth when I make jelly.
I had a lot of it and out of cheese cloth and went looking in stash for something that was thin to strain the berries in. Anyway is sure beats spending money on cheesecloth.

as for the skirts I used them to make curtains and because of the design, when hung in the sewing room, you can not tell at a glance that there are four lengths serged together for each panel of curtain. Also a few years back, I used skirts to make a shower curtain out of and also able to make valances by adding some to top which forms the pocket in the back.

At the time, I found the skirts at an outlet for a dollar a piece.
Now all the outlets are gone, but if I find any again at a cheap price, I will buy some to use for jelly bags, even if the skirt lays around in stash for a while.
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