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Old 07-05-2010, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by rhueluna
Originally Posted by Luv Quilts and Cats
I jus think that they are going to price themselves out of business. The ecomomy is still not doing that well, unemployment is still high....the economy just won't be able to support that kind of price for long. So they will either have to drop back their prices, or go out of business. There is such a thing as pricing an item so high that no one will buy it. Then they have to react to that.
Personally I think if they dropped the price, advertized their lower price, they would sell more and make more. Less per yard, but more in the long run. They said the price of cotton is going up and thats why the prices are going up. Some kind of crop problem with the cotton. Maybe they will come back down when the cotton is settled. We can hope.
I think this will be perfect for forcing me to continue to work down my stash. Maybe by that time, those cotton prices will come back down.
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